Join Us for some Good Old Fashioned Fun in the Sun at an On-Farm Workshop!

Let's get our hands dirty!

Aquaponics Workshops
Beekeeping Workshops
Chicken Workshops
Discovery TOURS
Edible Gardening
Homesteading Workshops
  • Bee101 Become a Beekeeper
  • BootCamp (2 days)
  • Saturday-Sunday, Nov 9-10
  • 9am-5/6pm 
  • at 4160 Old Burnt Store Rd N, Cape Coral, FL 33993 
  • Intro to Beekeeping | Become a Beekeeper Hands-On Series, includes Suiting Up and Going into the Hives 
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Upcoming On-Farm | Bee101 Become a Beekeeper Workshops

All these workshops have exactly the same material, same beekeeper supplies included and same hands-on portions, regardless whether it is the weekend bootcamp or the 6-week course. One is simply a full weekend bootcamp and the other 6 Thursday evenings and 2 Saturday mornings since weather in Florida is hot and unpredictably rainy in the summers.

Bee 101 | Become a Beekeeper  Hands-On Workshop (2day)

2 days | 9am-5/6pm Sat/Sun

NOVEMBER 9-10, 2024


Bee 101 | Become a Beekeeper  Hands-On Workshop (2day)

2 days | 9am-5/6pm Sat/Sun

JANUARY 18-19, 2025


Bee 101 | Become a Beekeeper  Hands-On Workshop (2day)

2 days | 9am-5/6pm  Sat/Sun

MARCH 15-16, 2025


Bee 101 | Become a Beekeeper  Hands-On Workshop (2day)

2 days | 9am-5/6pm Sat/Sun

MAY 10-11, 2025


Bee 101 | Become a Beekeeper  Hands-On Workshop (6wk)

6 weeks | 6x Thurs + 2x Sat 

JUN 5 - JUL 19, 2025 (off 7/3)


Bee 101 | Become a Beekeeper  Hands-On Workshop (6wk)

6 weeks | 6x Thurs + 2x Sat 

JUL 31 - SEP 4, 2025


Upcoming OnFarm | Beekeeper Mentoring (Bee101Completion REQUIRED)

Beekeeper Mentoring   1st Year  2024-2025

Starts every April and ends March following year. 

Starts APRIL 13th, 2024 and continues every 2 weeks on Saturday at 11-12:30/1pm


Beekeeper Mentoring | 2+ Year | 2024-2025

Starts every April and ends March following year.

Starts APRIL 13th, 2024 and continues every 2 weeks on Saturday at 9-10:30/11am

BY Invitation ONLY

Upcoming OnFarm | ADVANCED Beekeeping Workshops (Bee101 or  Registered Beekeeper REQUIRED)

Bee203 | Intro to Backyard Queenrearing

1 day | 9am-5pm

APRIL 20, 2024

  • Queen Development
  • Cell Builder
  • Mating NUCs 
  • Hands-on Grafting
  • Hands-on Marking 

Bee201 | Advanced Beekeeping

1 day | 9am-5pm

JUNE 8, 2024

  • Anatomy
  • Pheromones
  • Increases
  • Hands-on ReQueening
  • Hands-on Split

Bee202 | Pest & Disease Intensive

1 day | 9am-5pm

JULY 13, 2024

  • Pests
  • Diseases
  • Treatment Options
  • Hands-on Microscope work
  • Hands-on Testing

Upcoming OnFarm |  Beekeeping Workshops

Bee 102 | Honey Harvest Hands-On Workshop

 1/2 day | Sat 1-3pm

Aug 10, 2024

  • Harvest by Hand
  • Harvest w Tangential Extractor
  • Cottage Food Requirements
  • Bottling at Home
  • Take home a bottle of honey

Limited to beekeepers that have taken Bee101


Bee 103 | Products of the Hive Value Added Series

Series | Thurs 6-8pm 

Sep 26 - Nov 21

  • Beeswax Candles
  • LipBalms
  • Salves
  • Lotion Bars
  • Propolis Tinctures
  • Infused Honey
  • Creamed Honey
  • Chunk & Comb Honey


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Upcoming OnFarm | Products of the Hive Series

Bee 103 | Products of the Hive Value Added Series

Series | Thurs 6-8pm 

Sep 26 - Nov 21

  • Beeswax Candles
  • LipBalms
  • Salves
  • Lotion Bars
  • Propolis Tinctures
  • Infused Honey
  • Creamed Honey
  • Chunk & Comb Honey

Early Bird Discount ends 9/1

SAVE | Register Today for Series

Products of the Hive | Beeswax Candles

Thurs 6-8pm 

Sep 26, 2024

  • Why Beeswax Candles
  • How to Render Beeswax 
  • Rolled Beeswax Candles
  • Poured Beeswax Candles
  • Make & Take
REGISTER | InPerson or Virtual

Products of the Hive | Lip Balms 

Thurs 6-8pm 

Oct 3, 2024

  • What is Lip Balm
  • Why Make Your Own
  • How to make Lip Balm
  • Other Beeswax Uses
  • Make & Take
REGISTER | InPerson or Virtual

Products of the Hive | Salves

Thurs 6-8pm 

Oct 10, 2024

  • What are Salves
  • Why Make Your Own
  • How to make Salves
  • Other Beeswax Uses 
  • Make & Take
REGISTER | InPerson or Virtual

Products of the Hive | Lotion Bars

Thurs 6-8pm 

Oct 17, 2024

  • What are Lotion Bars
  • Why Make Your Own
  • How to make Lotion Bars
  • Other Beeswax Uses 
  • Make & Take
REGISTER | InPerson or Virtual

Products of the Hive | Propolis 

Thurs 6-8pm 

Oct 24, 2024

  • What is Propolis
  • How to Collect Propolis
  • How to make Propolis Tincture
  • Other Propolis Uses
  • Make & Take
REGISTER | InPerson or Virtual

Products of the Hive | Infused Honeys 

Thurs 6-8pm 

Nov 7, 2024

  • What is Infused Honey
  • Why Infuse Honey
  • How to Infuse Honey
  • Make & Take
  • Tasting
REGISTER | InPerson or Virtual

Products of the Hive | Creamed Honey 

Thurs 6-8pm 

Nov 14, 2024

  • What is Creamed Honey
  • Why Cream Honey
  • How to Cream Honey
  • Make & Take
  • Tasting
REGISTER | InPerson or Virtual

Products of the Hive | Comb Honey 

Thurs 6-8pm 

Nov 21, 2024

  • What is Comb Honey
  • What is Chunk Honey
  • Comb or Chunk?
  • How to Make 
  • Make & Take
  • Tasting
REGISTER | InPerson or Virtual

Upcoming OnFarm | Aquaponics & Hydroponics Workshops

Aquaponics 101 | Intro Fish & Plants Together

1/2 day with tour | 9am-1pm

  • Systems
  • Plant Care
  • Fish Care
  • Cycling
  • Hands-on Water Testing
  • Hands-on Bell Siphon Timing
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Aquaponics 102 | Backyard IBC Build

2 day with hands-on build | 9am-5pm

  • Systems
  • Plant Care
  • Fish Care
  • Cycling
  • Hands-on Water Testing
  • Hands-on Bell Siphon Timing
  • Hands-on IBC Build
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Aquaponics 201 | Market Gardeners 

2 days | 9am-5pm

  • System Design Considerations
  • Scaling Systems
  • Seeding for Consistent Production 
  • Filtration Options
  • Scouting & IPM 
  • Harvesting
  • Getting Your Product Market
  • Florida Regulations
  • Food Safety Considerations
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Hydroponics Simplified | DIYer

Series | Weds 6-8pm

  • Microgreens
  • DIY RePurpose / Recycle
  • DIY GrowTower
  • No pH or complicated testing needed | Set and Grow
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Hydroponics 101 | The Basics & The Science

1 day with tour | 9am-5pm

  • Overview and How to Use
  • Nutrient Film Technique
  • AeroGardens
  • AeroTower
  • Rapid Rooters
  • How to Test and Balance pH, Nutrients and maintain O2
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Upcoming OnFarm | Grow Series Workshops

GROW101 | Florida Edible Gardening for Beginners

1 day | Coming Soon

  • What to grow & When
  • Where to grow
  • How much to grow
  • How to Set up your Garden for Success
  • Hands-on Soil Testing
  • Hands-on Seeding | 6 pack to take home
  • Hands-on Transplanting Seedlings
  • Hands-on Harvesting Florida Edibles
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GROW101 | Florida Edible Gardening for our Northern "Transplants"

1 day | Coming Soon

  • What to grow & When
  • Where to grow
  • How much to grow
  • How to Set up your Garden for Success
  • Hands-on Soil Testing
  • Hands-on Seeding | 6 pack to take home 
  • Hands-on Transplanting Seedlings
  • Hands-on Harvesting Florida Edibles
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GROW101 | Kids Garden Series

Series | Coming Soon

  • Pizza Garden
  • Bee & Butterfly Garden 
  • Hands-on Seeding | 6 pack to take home 
  • Hands-on Transplanting
  • Hands-on Harvesting from OnFarm Kids Garden area
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GROW204 | Herb Gardening in Florida Series

Series | Weds 6-8pm | Coming Soon

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GROW201 | Winter/Spring Annual Edibles in Florida

Series | Weds 6-8pm | Coming Soon

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GROW202 | Summer/Fall Annual Edibles in Florida

Series | Weds 6-8pm | Coming Soon

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GROW102 | Pollinator Gardens in Florida

1 day | Coming Soon

  • Bee Garden
  • Butterfly Garden 
  • Other Pollinators
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GROW205 | Growing Feed for your Livestock | Florida Edition

Series | Coming Soon

  • Chickens
  • Pigs
  • Rabbits
  • Cows
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GROW205 | Growing Feed for your Livestock 

Series | Coming Soon

  • Chickens
  • Pigs
  • Rabbits
  • Cows
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Upcoming OnFarm | Poultry Workshops

Chick101 | Intro to Backyard Chicken Keeping

1/2 day | Coming Soon

InPerson or Virtual

Chick201 | Chick Care & Brooder Set Up

1/2 day | Coming Soon

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Chick202 | Egg Layers

1/2 day | Coming Soon

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Chick301 | Pasturing Meat Birds

1/2 day  | Coming Soon

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Chick302 | Meat Bird Harvest Day

1 day | Coming Soon

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Upcoming OnFarm | Homesteader Series Workshops

HOME101 | So Want to Start a Homestead?

1 day | Coming Soon

  • Land considerations
  • Growing your Own Food
  • Infrastructure Options
  • Livestock Choices
  • Overview of FL regulations
  • Make an Actionable Plan in class
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HOME102 | Garden to Table using Traditional Kitchen Skills

Series | Coming Soon

  • Harvesting from the Garden
  • Seasonal Eating
  • Fermentation
  • Canning
  • Dehydrating 
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HOME103 | Natural Home w Herbs & Oils

Series | Coming Soon

  • Herbal Infused Oils
  • Herbal Vinegars
  • Herbal Salts
  • Herbal Honey 
  • Essential Oils
  • Cleaning at Home
  • Body Care
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HOME201 | Homesteading on 1/4 Acre

 Series | Coming Soon

  • Edible gardening for your family
    •  Raised Beds and Containers
    • Fruit trees
    • Herbs | Culinary & Medicinal
    • Composting
  • Small Livestock | Honey Bees, Rabbits, Chickens, Pot Belly Pigs
    • State and County Requirements 
  • Permaculture inspired planning/blueprint to implement at home
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HOME201 |  Homesteading on 1/2 Acre

Series | Coming Soon

  • Edible gardening for you and your extended family/neighbors  
    • Raised Beds
    • Fruit Orchard
    • Herbs | Culinary & Medicinal
  • Composting
  • Small Livestock | Honey Bees, Rabbits, Chickens, Quail, Pigs
    • State and County Requirements
  • Permaculture inspired planning/blueprint to implement at home 
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HOME201 |  Homesteading on 1 Acre

Series | Coming Soon

  • Edible gardening for your family, friends and neighbors 
    • Raised Beds
    • Fruit tree
    • Herbs | Culinary & Medicinal
  • Composting
  • Small Livestock | Honey Bees, Rabbits, Chickens, Turkeys, Quail, Pigs
    • State and County equirements 
  • Permaculture inspired planning/blueprint to implement at home 
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Upcoming OnFarm | Herbal Series Workshops

HERB101 | Intro to Modern Herbalism 

1/2 day | TBD

  • What is Herbalism
  • How to use (and not use) herbs 
  • Learn about 10+ herbs, some may be growing in your backyard 
  • Intro to starting your own Materia Medica
  • Make some basic herbal products to take home
  • Class fee includes all supplies for formulas you will be making. Please bring two 8oz jars to take your herbal creations home with you
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HERB102 | Alcohol free Herbal Medicine

Fri 6-8pm | TBD

  • Learn to make herbal extractions without alcohol!
  • Explore honey, vinegar, and more to build your at home apothecary without using alcohol!  
  • Class fee includes all supplies for formulas you will be making. Please bring two 8oz jars to take your herbal creations home with you
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HERB201 | Modern Herbalism Basics Series

8 Week Series | TBD

  • Week1 Intro to Modern Herbalism (Herb101)
  • Week2 Growing & Harvesting Your Own Herbs
  • Week3 Herbal Applications in Health & Wellness 
  • Week4 Herbal Skincare & Beauty
  • Week5 Culinary Uses of Herbs
  • Week6 Herbal Remedies for Common Ailments
  • Week7 Household Uses of Herbs
  • Week8 Integrating Herbalism into Daily Life
  • Class fee includes all supplies for formulas you will be making. Please bring two 8oz jars to take your herbal creations home with you
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HERB202 | Herbal First Aid Kit

Fri 6-8pm | TB

  • Set Up your own herbal first aid kit  
  • Learn about 10 herbs used for First Aid
  • Make products for your own kit from salves to washes to tinctures to stock that herbal medicine cabinet
  • Class fee includes all supplies for formulas you will be making. Please bring two 8oz jars to take your herbal creations home with you
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HERBS102 | Summer Herbal Medicine Making | June 2025

Fri 6-8pm | Jun 6, 2025

  • What is Summer Solstice | Jun 21st
  • Learn about herbs, recipes, celebrations & traditions that help us align with the seasons
  • Make custom herbal blends to take home
  • Try summer inspired recipes
  • and more..
  • Class fee includes all supplies for formulas you will be making. Please bring two 8oz jars to take your herbal creations home with you
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HERBS103 | Fall Herbal Medicine Making | Sep 2025

Fri 6-8pm | Sep 12, 2025

  • What is Fall Equinox | Sep 22nd
  • Learn about herbs, recipes, celebrations & traditions that help us align with the seasons
  • Make custom herbal blends to take home
  • Try fall inspired recipes
  • and more..
  • Class fee includes all supplies for formulas you will be making. Please bring two 8oz jars to take your herbal creations home with you
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HERBS104 | Winter Herbal Medicine Making | Dec 2025

Fri 6-8pm | Dec 5, 2025

  • What is Winter Solstice | Dec 21st
  • Learn about herbs, recipes, celebrations & traditions that help us align with the seasons
  • Make custom herbal blends to take home
  • Try winter inspired recipes
  • and more..
  • Class fee includes all supplies for formulas you will be making. Please bring two 8oz jars to take your herbal creations home with you
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HERBS101 | Spring Herbal Medicine Making | March 2026

Fri 6-8pm | Mar 6, 2026

  • What is Spring Equinox | Mar 22nd
  • Learn about herbs, recipes, celebrations & traditions that help us align with the seasons
  • Make custom herbal blends to take home
  • Try spring inspired recipes
  • and more..
  • Class fee includes all supplies for formulas you will be making. Please bring two 8oz jars to take your herbal creations home with you
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